Hi , I'm

Krish kedia

I build things for the web.

I will help your team win customers by building value through strategic web design, people-centric digital experiences, and developing high-quality websites that stand out from the competition.

Hero Image

Some Things I’ve Built

Tinder Clone

This is a tinder clone made with mern stack . It has all the features like signup/login, advanced authentication, matching people by swiping right and messaging them. Make and account and start texting.

Tinder Clone

Party Vendor Directory

This is a vendor directory that I built for a startup, it`s made in Next.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. We had to scrape the data from google maps to get the data of the vendors and store it in our database. I built different API for different functions like getting vendors from a particular city or particular category and there is also an inquiry form.

Modern Blog Website

A blog website made with cutting edge technologies like Next.js and Graph QL with modern design and seo. The users can browse blogs on different topics and even comment on their favourite blog.

Modern Blog Website

Flyer Editor Page for Zelebrate

I built a flyer editor page for a startup, it has various features like changing the text , adjusting the font color, size, design, font weight etc and then download the flyer and share it on social media .

Memory Game

It`s a memory game to remember a card. 12 cards drawn on board, user needs to select a card. The card flip and show a image. Now user needs to select any other card. If both the cards matches, both cards will be matched else the second card flip back .

Memory Game

My Process


I conduct user research to identify the problem I want to solve.


I create wireframes using Figma and sketches of the product I’m about to design.


After designing i develop the website using the tools preferred by the client.

Currently looking for Freelance or Part Time Opportunities

Have an exciting project you need help with? Send me an email or contact me via instant message!